Wednesday, December 31, 2014

On the Eve of 2015 I am thinking about my goals for the upcoming year.  New year, new chapter, bigger goals, better attitude.  I have so many things I plan to achieve in 2015, mentally, personally, family, financially.  It is actually a bit overwhelming when I try to think about it in my head.  So I have decided to list them keep myself accountable.  To have a clear path of the things I need to work toward. Some are easier then others and the ones that seem easy are going to be the biggest challenges.

Top 10 Goals for 2015:

1. Spend more QUALITY time with my kids.  Put away the phone, listen to them, converse with them, actually think about what they are saying and respond better. 

2. Have more patience with my kids.  I tend to be a hot head and immediately yell and I know this is not good for them or for myself.

3.  I think #2 goes hand in hand with my 3rd goal which is to be consistent my physical fitness daily.  Exercise (run, beacbody, stretch, walks, hikes anything but something 30 minutes daily.) I know that this is the key to my patience.  Nomaste!

4. Eat more healthy meals at home and at work, which means more cooking...yikes ;)

5. Eliminate our debt, this is a goal I have want to be satisfied by May 2015!  (besides the major big ones like my mortgage)

6.  Help and inspire others to create a healthy lifestyle which of course will motivate me to do the same.

7. Have a more positive attitude about myself and others

8.  Work on my personal development with books and podcasts

9.  Eliminate clutter in my house...I feel like we have too much stuff.

10. Go on a date with my husband every 4-6 weeks no matter what!

I have already started working toward some of these goals when I became a coach with Team Beachbody and more specifically my actual team, TEAM BOOM has helped me get started on all these goals in 2014.  I am so happy to be part of an amazing team and a company who cares about the future health of the population. Love helping others and keeping each other motivated!

Recently an article was just published and listed Beachbody programs as 5 of the top 10 workout trends of 2014! How cool is that!

Click below to read the Top 10!
Biggest Workout Trends of 2014

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